A Cool Family Break at the Marine Aquarium

After spending a morning on the main beach of Rhodes town escape the midday baking sun by taking a cool tour nearby to the Marine Aquarium and its museum. At the northern tip of the beach you can’t miss the cylindrical ArtDeco building designed by Armando Bernabiti in the 1930’s that houses what is also known as the Hydro Biological Station.
With a free entry for all kids, the small, cave-like aquarium is home to many species of mostly indigenous Mediterranean marine life, including octopus, crabs, echinoderms, plenty of fish like the spiky lionfish and scorpionfish, rabbitfish, parrotfish, stingrays, porgies and mullets as well as sea turtles. The Museum space exhibits, among others, sharks and whales.
Open daily:
From April 1 – October 1 at 09.00 – 20.30
From November 1 – March 31 at 09.00 – 16.30
Closed on Greek Orthodox Easter Sunday, Christmas Day (December 25) and New Year’s Day (January 1).
Tel: +30 22410 27308